Smart rubbish bin! | SmaGo | Morinaga
The IoT rubbish bin reduces trash 50%!

Morinaga Co., Ltd. announced that they support “SmaGo”(Smart + Gomi(Trash)) which is produced by FORCETEC.
This SmaGo already set the Smago in RAYARD MIYASHITA PARK Shibuya this year, and it already reduced 50% of garbage collection. What’s more, this smart trash bin in Omotesando also helped to reduce the trash in the town.
When the bin is full, SmaGO automatically presses trash, so it enables to collect garbage five times more than usual. And this trash bin sends the data of the accumulation status to the cloud database in real-time, then makes optimize to collect them. This optimization is expected to reduce the cost and CO2. This SmaGo has introduced the sora power, so there is no electronic power cost.
The Voice sensor shows you the appreciation
SmaGo is added the new feature, voice sensor which tells you appreciation. What does it say? Let’s try when you go to Shibuya or Omotesando and find them.
Their goal is supporting to make a more beautiful town and they keep working on sustainable activities. I can’t wait for their new measure.
Information source: 持続可能な社会の実現への取り組み IoT活用のスマートゴミ箱「SmaGO」でゴミ5割削減! ~ゴミ回収の「お礼」をする音声センサー機能が追加。 12/17(金)から 運用開始!~ | 2021年 | ニュースリリース | 森永製菓 (
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