New style! | SDGs | vegetarian food for dogs!!

Now many celebrities started a vegetarian life. Some of them are for SDGs, some of them are for animals.
Actually, thanks to them, it’s gradually easier to get soy-based foods than before. Now you can even get soy-based pet foods.
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PETOKOTO, Inc. announced that they started to develop soy-based dogfoods. It will be available next Spring, 2022.
There are no companies in Japan that provide soy-based dogfoods, so PETOKOTO will be the first one to provide vegetarian foods for dogs.

1. Who is PETOKOTO?
PETOKOTO was established in 2015. Their mission is “Creating the society where humans and animals live together”. They aim to improve QOL(Quality Of Life) for the owners of all dogs and cats. PETOKOTO provides the wellness brand which proposes to improve the quality of family life with DX and FX(Family Transformation).
2. DC2 Fresh dog foods “PETOKOTO FOODS”
In Feburuary 2020, PETOKOTO started to sell “PETOKOTO FOODS”.
Unlike conventional dog food, PETOKOTO FOODS maintains the original taste, appearance, and nutrients of domestic ingredients by instant freezing with steam heating and quick freezing, and delivers them without preservatives.
Soy-based meat provided by FUJI OIL
FUJI OIL which is one of the biggest companies in Japan provides soy-based meats for PETOKOTO FOODS.
PETOKOTO promotes sustainable society, and one of their activity is “Sustaina BULL action”, which is eco-friendly action, such as reduction of food loss, using eco-friendly FCS boxes, and choosing sustainable ingredients. And this fresh dog food made by soy-based meats is one of those actions.
4. New dog food “SOY MEAT”
Their new product “SOY MEAT” is a recipe made by Nick Cave, who is a veterinarian, and he is qualified as a US nutrition specialist(There are only 95 people who have it in the world).
“SOY MEAT” is focused on human-grade fresh domestic ingredients like other menus. Was developed. Soy meat is high in protein, low cholesterol, high fibre, good for your dog’s health, and is ideal for dieting dogs. They have already finished their internal tests, but they still want to improve their taste because that’s also the important point for making dogs happy.
So they are starting monitoring tests which you can apply for. And it’ll be officially available next spring in 2022.
[Product Overviews]
- expiry date: Ten months after DOM ※It should be in refrigeration.
- 150g per package
- One or two times per day
- Made in Japan
- Ingredients: soy-based meats, pumpkins, carrots, rice, Japanese mustard spinach, supplement, sesame, ground sesame, Linseed oil, fish oil
Information source: PETOKOTO FOODSが大豆ミートのドッグフード開発をスタート!試食モニターを募集します。 | ペトコト