New Plan – Living In A Hotel Room “Test Living” Experience Plan –

Brand-New Plan To Find Your Room – Living In A Hotel Room “Test Living” Experience Plan –

1. Finding a good town harder than Finding a good room
22% of residents has complaints on their former places
When you buy a house or move to a new place for work, you will look for a good room focused on your requirements but it’s never easy to check atmosphere and convenience on that town. According to survey of “SUMO” which is the website provides room information, 22% of residents decided to move to new places because they have complaints on their former ones, and their reasons were not only because of their rooms but also because of the town.
The reason to move is outside your room
They experienced harassment from a neighbor, the station was very far from their rooms, it was inconvenient for shopping, what’s more they couldn’t stand loud noise from traffic. But you can’t find them out before you live there, so most of people have experienced one of them once before at least.
The target of this brand-new service provided by H.I.S. Hotel Holdings Co., Ltd.(H.I.S.H.H.) is for someone who is worried about those problems.

2. – Living In A Hotel Room “Test Living” Experience Plan – 「ホテル暮らし“試住”体験プラン」
Hotel stay helps you to make a decision
H.I.S.H.H. announced that they joined the new project “Suggesting the town which suits to your life style with hotel stay” managed by CHINTAI Corporation, and in that project, H.I.S.H.H. provided – Living in a Hotel Room “Test Living” Experience Plan – .

3. New Step To Find The Room, Pre-Living in the Town
New step to find the room
What do you do when you look for the room at first? Usually you check your requirements and priority, then you visit rooms.
You have enough time to check rooms but you have no chances to check cityscapes around those rooms though you better to check them.
Now you can secure the time to check cityscapes with this new plan.

4. What is a merit to stay at a hotel?
Many options provided
Usually it’s very difficult to check all day but actually you will see the different cityscape at night compared with Morning time. When you visited that town in the morning, it’s very quiet but it could be very loud at night. If you stay at a hotel for few days, you can check both of them. They provide the following plans. You can choose them according to your plan.

5. Preventive measure for Corona Virus
H.I.S.H.H. works on preventive measures for COVID-19. Hen Na Hotel uses the robot and the hologram for check-in to reduce opportunities to meet hotel staff. In addition, at all facilities in Japan and overseas operated by HIS.H.H., as measures to prevent infectious diseases, strengthen alcohol disinfection in common areas in the building, secure social distance at the front check-in counter, encourage ventilation, etc.
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