Easy! IT | Security | Repository

This article is a rough explanation of the Repository.
Everything might be not exactly correct in this article but it’s very useful for beginners to understand IT terms. If you want to learn IT but you don’t have any experience to work in the IT industry, I wish it helps you to understand IT. And I hope that this article motivates you to study IT more.
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What is a Repository?
- A data structure that stores metadata for a set of files or directory structure.
- You need to guess what kind of data is stored based on the context.
1. What repository means in English?
1. A place or container in which things can be stored for safety
2. A place where things are kept for exhibition; museum
3. (Commerce) a place where commodities are kept before being sold; warehouse
4. A place of burial; sepulchre
5. A receptacle containing the relics of the dead
6. A person to whom a secret is entrusted; confidant
Repository – definition of repository by The Free Dictionary
A repository in English is something to store, such as containers, refrigerators, warehouses, and so on. As an IT language(especially in Japan), a repository means a database that stores data and information with a structure.
2. Summary
A repository is a storage location that manages the centralized data related to source codes, documents in the project, and it helps you to manage and control the version history.
Especially, a repository controls data of data called metadata such as the last update date, version numbers. This is helpful when you work on a project with many members.
3. An image of repository
It depends on what the repository stores, so I show you some cases.
Case1. Git
You can store a lot of data, not only documents but also images, 3D data and so on.

Even if your documents are updated, a repository keeps the status of past data. So if you don’t like the latest change, you can undo the change with a repository. You don’t need to open the file to change, but you can use a repository and choose the past file which you like.

Case2. Linux
You will often hear a repository if you become a server engineer to operate Linux servers. In Linux, it is the place at which there are files(software). yum is One of the Linux commands, which uses install the software. When you execute the yum command, the software from the yum repository is installed.
Case 1 and case 2 is totally different, but the common point is both repositories stores something. That’s the only important thing as your first step.
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