Starbucks coffee | New Project, Re & Go!
Borrow, Return, Reuse the cup to reduce the trash🥤
Starbucks Coffee Japan, Ltd. announced their new project. Starbucks Japan provides the reuse cup to the customer.
This service “Re & Go” is provided by Nissha Co., Ltd. and NEC Solution Innovators, Ltd.

1. Overview
This project is to achieve the goal of reducing trash by fifty per cent by 2030. You borrow the reuse cup and return the Starbucks shop, then Starbucks washes and provides it again. They started this project at the ten shops around Tokyo/Marunouchi area as the test phase. They try to reduce CO2 emissions with this project.
Starbucks says that taking steps to ensure that reuse is part of the Starbucks experience is key to achieving its goal of reducing waste. They try to find the needs of customers and the best operation, and the best way to reuse the cup. They already have the knowledge from the demonstration tests in America and Korea.
The relative action: Resource-positive company eliminating plastics 【Starbucks】 | Japan Teams

2. Re & Go service
Four steps are required to use this service.

1. Look for the available shop
You need to use the LINE application. You register the LINE account of Re & go and you also need to create an account, then you can look for the available shops.
2. Borrow the reuse cup at the available Starbucks shops
You tell that you want to use Re & Go when you order. You open the LINE account of Re & Go to scan the QR code.
3. Enjoy coffee at your favourite place
Bring coffee with the Re & Go cup, and enjoy your time.
4. Return the cup to the available Starbucks shops
Open the LINE account of Re & Go, then tap the “Return the cup”. And go to the shops and scan the QR code, then return the cup which you use.
More detail: 繰り返し使えるカップを「借りて・返して・再利用する」循環型プログラム実証実験を東京都内・丸の内エリアのスターバックス10店舗で11月22日(月)よりスタート廃棄物を削減し、カップをリユースする文化の定着目指す | スターバックス コーヒー ジャパン (
Related info: 容器のリユースサービス「Re&Go」が スターバックス コーヒー ジャパンによる新プログラムにトライアル導入 | NISSHA株式会社
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