IT Learning | Server | AAAA record

Everything might be not exactly correct in this article but it’s very useful for beginners to understand IT terms. If you want to learn IT but you don’t have any experiences to work in IT industries, I wish it helps you to understand IT and you like to study IT more.
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What is AAAA record?
- “AAAA” record is one of information about DNS.
- “AAAA” record maps domain names to the IP address.
- “AAAA” record defines IP address(IPv6 address).
1. “AAAA” record is used for IPv6
“AAAA” record is one of information in a handbook for Authoritative name server. It maps domain names to the IP addresses of computers. You can use this record to find an IP address of a computer connected to the network. If you don’t know Authoritative name server, please check the following article.
IT Learning | Server | Authoritative name server | Japan Teams
It sounds “AAAA” record is the same to “A” record, yes their role is the same but which IP addresses are used is different.
“A” record is for IPv4 address, but “AAAA” record is for IPv6 address.
If you don’t know “A” record, please check the following article.
IT Learning | Server | A record | Japan Teams
2. There are two DNS roles
There are two DNS servers. One is Authoritative name server. Another is called Caching DNS Serve. Laptops usually ask Mr. Caching DNS server the first question. If Mr. Caching DNS server can’t answer the question, he will ask Ms. Authoritative name server.

And Ms. Authoritative name server checks her job handbook called “Zone file” when she receive the question from Mr. Caching DNS server. If you don’t know Zone file, please read the following article.
IT Learning | Server | Zone file | Japan Teams

There are many information in her zone file. Ando one of those information is “AAAA” record which shows an IP address for domain names. For example, how to write AAAA record is as follows: IN AAAA 2021:rj3:0723:1646:1111:2222:3333:8888
“” is a domain name, and “AAAA” after “IN” means this record is “AAAA” record. Then “2021:rj3:0723:1646:1111:2222:3333:8888” is an IPv6 address for “”.

It’s exactly same to “A” record, so you better to learn both of them together. IPv6 is the next generation address, I’ll explain it in another article in the future.
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