Tickets Priced by Your Emotion? – NEC Emotion Analysis –

Tickets Priced by Your Emotion! How much you pay depends on your satisfaction – NEC Emotion Analysis –

1. Watching Sports and Ticket Price

Watching sports is like a chocolate box

I love watching sports and I often go to watch the games but I’m not always satisfied with those games. Sometimes performance of my support team is very bad. Sometimes the stadium is too cold and I can’t concentrate on watching the game. Sometimes Players don’t concentrate on the game and they screwed up then the game is very boring. When I watch kind of those games, I’m bit upset because I travel to a far place and pay for expensive tickets to watch games. While I go home, I regret coming to the stadium and think that watching TV at home is better to come here next time.

On the other hand, I sometimes watch the amazing games like high school football games without payment. Speaking of watching sports, the point is that price is not relevant to the quality. It means you will watch the boring games sometimes even if you pay a lot, and it also means that you pay nothing but you could watch great games.

Watching sports is like a chocolate box. You don’t know what’s inside until you open the box.

2. NEC Emotion Analysis Solution Prices Tickets

The Volleyball Game is the First Try

NEC Corporation collaborate with Japan Volleyball League Organization which aim to create new value on volleyball, and NEC Emotion Analysis will be introduced for stage(the third place playoff) as a demonstration test on 21 of February. It means that NEC Emotion Analysis prices ticket price based on spectator’s satisfaction.

Wearable Devices Makes Emotion Visible

The number of the test spectators is around 30. They wear wearable devices and those devices collect their physiological indices such as pulse rate, and so on which are able to acquire the range of indices necessary for emotion analysis.

NEC aims to quantify satisfaction based on visible emotion state. And NEC plans to use them for pricing and create new service business.

3. Background of this project

Changes in consumer demand

As economy and society has developed rapidly, consumer demand has changed significantly. And Recently there are many payment services like QR Code payment.

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In addition, customers pay for experience, so it’s prospected that it’s an important factor to price products corresponding with personal satisfaction.

Considering those social changes, NEC will conduct a demonstration experiment at V.LEAGUE DIVISION1 WOMEN to realize a system to pay the price according to how much value consumers feel.

Price will be based on satisfaction survey

Spectators who join this demonstration will fill in the form of satisfaction survey and their tickets will be priced by those questionnaires. In addition, they wear wearable wristband devices to collect data such as pulse rate to make their emotion in the game visible.

They check both data from questionnaires and wearable devices. Those data is going to be used for improving service quality and using other industries.

4. Where and when they are tested

  Date : 21 of February, 2021
  Venue : Ota City General Gymnasium, Ota-ward, Tokyo
    Match : 2020-21 V.LEAGUE DIVISION1 WOMEN V.Final stage(the third place playoff)

5. Pros & Cons

This system will help me to feel happy to watch the game in the stadium. But it’s not only good points but also I’m worried about something.

Sports are entertainments, so services should be included other than game contents

If you are in bad mood because of fighting with other spectators, do you think your ticket should be cheap? Considering sports are entertainments, it should be considered all of things including all of them including other than game contents, so tickets should be cheap in that case.

But how about personalities?

Someone who is always calm down will get cheap tickets every time even if they are very satisfied with services. People who are always in good mood feel unfair of these results(Maybe people kind of them don’t care about those things though). Or someone who is very sensitive feels guilty to pay little, they might pay more than the price they should pay.

How to handle with system problems?

What’s more, System problems could occur, then someone will be treated as liars if data is different from their true emotion.

In any cases, I think that the point is how to make audience feel fair on this system.

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