Resource-positive company eliminating plastics 【Starbucks】

Starbucks Coffee Japan Inc. is going to expand serving iced coffee and tea in FSC certified paper cups and new recycable strawless lids from 15th of February. 101 stores in Japan has already started it for some iced beverages last November and planned to introduce FSC certified paper cups and strawless lids to all stores in Japan this month. 1,600 stores will start to use them from this month.

This movement to eliminate plastic will  reduce 60% of plastic per a cup of coffee, and it will be expected to produce the effect of reducing plastic cups for 61 million cups per year.

This action seems to be based on their global press release which said the goal was “to be a resource-positive company”,

Resource-positive company eliminating plastics

【Starbucks Coffee actions for eliminating plastic

  • In 2018, Introducing strawless lids in Korea
  • In 2019, Using FSC certified paper straws in Euro including UK
  • In 2020, Eliminating plastic straws gradually in Japan, Indonesia, and Thailand



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FSC®認証紙カップとストロー不要の新リッド採用で、プラスチック削減に大きく貢献 スターバックス国内103店舗で2020年11月より、一部アイスビバレッジに導入開始 翌年2月に全店舗に拡大を予定 | スターバックス コーヒー ジャパン (

スターバックス国内店舗で、サステナブルな未来につながるFSC® 認証紙ストローでの提供を開始2020年1月より段階的にスタート、同年3月に全店約1500店舗に導入し年間約2億本分のプラスチックストロー削減へ | スターバックス コーヒー ジャパン (

【Starbucks Eco Products】


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