New VR service! | AVATOUR | NTTBizLink

NTTBizLink will start a new VR service “AVATOUR”. This sharing 360 °space in real time service is the first one in Japan.
NTTBizLink contracted with Avatour Technologies,Inc. which is the remote presence service leader and provides “AVATOUR”.


Because of COVID-19, most of employees are limited to go on a business trip. So it’s very difficult to check and inspect their facilities which is far from their places.

New VR technology, “AVATOUR” will be the solution for those problems.
source from : NTTビズリンクが国内初、リアルタイムに360°空間を共有するVRサービス「AVATOUR(アヴァツアー)」の提供を開始 (

2. Overview

“AVATOUR” is the sharing space service providing a sense of immersion with VR. You can check all around 360 °space.
You can invite guests from Japan and other countries and communicate interactively. It sounds a brand-new service!!
COVID-19 forces employees to work at home, then especially it’s very difficult for the inspection on maintenance of facilities, checking product qualities. But this service which can provides virtual tours and online checks, makes those inspections available.

NTTBizLink plans to use this service for facilities managements, virtual tours with 3D, and remote education.

3. Future business with “AVATOUR”

NTTBizLink will improve and expand this service continuously with customer’s opinions. And also they are looking for new business partners to promote “AVATOUR” service. You can see “AVATOUR” at Japan IT Week, Online exhibition (From 16th of JUNE to 18th of JUNE, 2021).

Related information

Company official web site: Company Profile (

Information source: NTTビズリンクが国内初、リアルタイムに360°空間を共有するVRサービス「AVATOUR(アヴァツアー)」の提供を開始 (

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