Instant Noodle | New Series! “Cup Noodle PRO”, PROTEIN Enhanced!

Cup Noodle Series | New products “Cup Noodle PRO”

NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS CO.,LTD.(NISSIN FOODS) announced that new products “Cup Noodle PRO High-Protein & Low-Carb” and “Cup Noodle PRO High-Protein & Low-Carb Seafood noodle”.
NISSIN FOODS began in 1958 with the development of the world’s first instant noodles, and sampling sales for Cup Noodles were held in 1971. So this year, it’s the 50th anniversary.

The most traditional instant noodle brand in the world, NISSIN is still improving their products to increase demand, and that effort makes NISSIN remain the leading company!

1. The first protein enhanced instant noodle in Japan!

Those two new products provided by NISSIN FOODS will be released in Japan. The price is 206 yen + tax. Two flavors, Original and Seafood will be available. It’s the first protein enhanced instant noodle.

「カップヌードルPRO 高たんぱく&低糖質」2品 (4月5日発売) | 日清食品グループ (

2. What is different from original “Cup Noodle”?

PROTEIN 15g & Carb 50% OFF !

Recently, people pay attention protein to keep healthy. Due to that background, products of protein supplement has been increasing significantly in Japan health industry.

It’s the first protein enhanced instant noodle. NISSIN FOODS named PRO because they want to make it have two meanings protein and high model. In addition, “Cup Noodle PRO High-Protein & Low-Carb” contains “High Protein Mysterious Meat”, which is enhanced 1.8 times more than “Nazo Niku (Mysterious Meat)”, and has a more “meat” taste than regular “Cup Noodles”.

NISSIN FOODS which always keeps trying “Challenge” and “Evolution” provides new concept products, Why don’t you try them?

3. Product Details

“Cup Noodle PRO High-Protein & Low-Carb”

「カップヌードルPRO 高たんぱく&低糖質」2品 (4月5日発売) | 日清食品グループ (
1. noodles

Special noodles for “Cup Noodle PRO”. It includes a lot of dietary fiber and is cut 50% off Carb.

2. Soup

Original soy sauce soup with pepper. Protein enhanced soup remind you the same taste to original “Cup Noodle”. It’s still delicious!

3. Ingredients

“High-Protein Nazo Niku(mystery meat)” (seasoned minced pork), minced pork (seasoned pork), scrambled eggs, shrimp, green onions.

“Cup Noodle PRO High-Protein & Low-Carb Seafood Noodle”

「カップヌードルPRO 高たんぱく&低糖質」2品 (4月5日発売) | 日清食品グループ (
1. Noodles

Special noodles for “Cup Noodle PRO”. It includes a lot of dietary fiber and is cut 50% off Carb.

2. Soup

A rich soup based on pork with a strong flavor of seafood. Protein enhanced soup remind you the same taste to “Seafood Noodle”. It’s still delicious!

3. Ingredients

Squid, crab-flavored kamaboko, scrambled eggs, cabbage, green onions.

4. When it will be available?

Monday, 5th of April
Related Information

「カップヌードルPRO 高たんぱく&低糖質」2品 (4月5日発売) | 日清食品グループ (

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