Easy! IT | IT Terms | Email Alias

This article is a rough explanation of the Email alias.
Everything might be not exactly correct in this article but it’s very useful for beginners to understand IT terms. If you want to learn IT but you don’t have any experience to work in the IT industry, I wish it helps you to understand IT. And I hope that this article motivates you to study IT more.
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What is Email Alias?
- Email alias is simply a forwarding email address.
- People use an email alias as nicknames.
- You can not send emails from an email alias.
1. Email service
You can send messages with a digital letter called an email. Users can send an email with a client (mail application such as Gmail, yahoo mail, outlook and so on), and mail servers receive and deliver them.
In short, an email is a letter in a computing world, and the mail server is a post office in that world.

2. What is Alias?
Before we talk about an Email alias, let’s define what means by “alias”!
He is Monkey D. Luffy. His friend calls him Luffy, and his enemies call him STRAW HAT or his members call him CAPTAIN.

While all of these people are using different names for Luffy, they are all referring to the same person. They’re just using nicknames, or aliases for Luffy.
3. Email Alias
Managing several email accounts rob your time.
You sometimes want to have a couple of generic email addresses, like one for chatting with your friends, one for general questions from your customers, and another for your interest information.
But you need to create new accounts and manage them, such as the general settings, security and so on. What’s more, you need to have the time to log in and check multiple email inboxes. In addition, if those email addresses are not free, you need to pay for them.

What is the solution?
You can add email aliases to your existing email account! Aliases allow you to create new email addresses with alternative names. This function makes you have additional inboxes on your primary account. Even better, the aliases use the same contact list, account settings, and inbox as the primary email accounts. Aliases allow you to have new email addresses without creating new accounts or paying for them.

What you have to note: the difference between email accounts and aliases
One of the biggest things you have to note about aliases is that you can’t send emails from an email alias. An alias can only function as an additional inbound email address to an exiting email account.
Related information: Email alias – Wikipedia
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