You don’t need a key anymore, but EVERING!

EVERING | Less is smart.

Cash-less, Touch-less, Seam-less, Charge-less, Battery-less

TOPPAN contracted a Capital and Business Alliance with EVERING. Since the 31st of May, TOPPAN started to use the device which is for payment and ID authentication, whose name is EVERING.

“EVERING” helps you to check what time your employees enter and leave your office, or who comes to work. TOPPAN provides these services with their security technology.

There are many wearable devices recently, and people can use them as payment devices. EVERING is the first smart ring in Japan using VISA for touch payment. And now, this smart ring expands the use scene. This device can open and lock the door.

TOPPAN has a lot of knowledge about cryptography, authentication, and prevention for breaching access based on their experience in the IC card business. This cryptographic technology improved the security of EVERING to manage personal information and use an electric key. NEXT generation device, EVERING is fashionable, useful and secure.

Click this link if you want to buy this device, the price is \18,000(without tax).

Product information: EVERING(エブリング) | EVERING ONLINE STORE, 凸版印刷とEVERING、キャッシュレス決済とドアの解錠ができるスマートリング事業で協業 | 凸版印刷 (
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