IT Learning | Security | IDS

Everything might be not exactly correct in this article but it’s very useful for beginners to understand IT terms. If you want to learn IT but you don’t have any experiences to work in IT industries, I wish it helps you to understand IT and you like to study IT more.

What is IDS?

  • Watch suspicious men
  • Report it to the owner when suspicious men come
  • “IDS” is Intrusion Detection System

1. IDS is a surveillance camera in IT

What is IDS(Intrusion Detection System)?

IDS is the system which monitors Network and reports it to the owner that “A suspicious man is coming!”

IDS means …
IDS, Intrusion Detection System

an occasion when someone goes into a place or situation where they are not wanted or expected to be


the fact of noticing or discovering something
the fact of the police discovering information about crimes


a set of computer equipment and programs used together for a particular purpose
Intrusion + Detection + System = Intrusion Detection System =
“The System which reports the fact of noticing that someone goes into a place

2. An example with ONE PIECE

Nami’s house

There is Nami’s house, and Chopper is hired as a bodyguard for her.

Chopper found a suspicious man

Sanji was coming to Nami’s house at night, then Chopper recorded the video and sent it to Nami.

Nami have several options how to handle with this suspicious man

Then Nami is thinking if she call the police to arrest Sanji or she threat him and ask him to pay.

Chopper in this story is IDS.

3. IDS is a surveillance camera in your IT systems

IDS monitors the particular place. Generally, IDS monitors network or some resources in your computer.

When suspicious people are coming, IDS reports that fact to the system owner. This is the IDS job.
But IDS job is a just “Detection”, the owner should think about the measure how to handle with those alerts.

Surveillance camera

4. Two types of IDS

There are two types of IDS, depending on where they watch.

  1. Monitoring a computer (HIDS : Host-based intrusion detection system)
  2. Monitoring Network (NIDS : Network-based intrusion detection system)

IDS monitoring something inside computer is called HIDS, Host-based intrusion detection system.
It monitors data coming from network into your systems.

IDS monitoring something inside computer is called NIDS, Network-based intrusion detection system.
It monitors data in your network.

Monitoring and Detecting

5. What is different from IPS

You will often hear IPS (Intrusion prevention systems), which is also known as intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS).

“The main functions of intrusion prevention systems are to identify malicious activity, log information about this activity, report it and attempt to block or stop it.”

If IDS were Chopper, IPS would be Zoro.

The role of IDS is just only detecting, monitoring and reporting. But the role of IPS is also including blocking and stopping.
Zoro would beat suspicious people if Nami requests him to do in advance.

IDS Chopper
IDS is like Chopper.
IPS Zoro
IPS is like Zoro.
IDS is the system monitoring, detecting and reporting!

6. Related Information

Related Articles:

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IT Learning | Security | Malware | Japan Teams

IT Learning | Security | Firewall – Saving Alabasta | Japan Teams

Information Source :

Intrusion detection system – Wikipedia

Host-based intrusion detection system – Wikipedia

Lists of One Piece episodes – Wikipedia


Microsoft Azure Network Security (IT Best Practices – Microsoft Press) (English Edition)


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