Easy! IT | Protocol | Network Time Protocol

This article is a rough explanation of the Network Time Protocol.

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What is the Network Time Protocol?

  • The Network Time Protocol is a network protocol.
  • NTP is the abbreviation for the Network Time Protocol.
  • NTP is one of the oldest Internet protocols in current use.
  • NTP is a protocol for synchronizing the clock between the client and the server. 

1. Network Time Protocol

The Network Time Protocol is the rule on how to synchronize the clock between the client and the server. It serves as the adjustment to the delay. Implementations send and receive timestamps using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) on port number 123. This protocol is used in layer 7 of the OSI model.

NTP is a protocol in layer 7.

There are servers and clients.

The NTP servers receive accurate Coordinated Universal Time(UTC) from an authoritative clock source, such as an atomic clock and GPS. The NTP clients request and receive time from NTP servers.

2. Why is NTP important?

Network management:

When several systems work together to process on the same service, they must use the same clock for reference to ensure correct sequencing of operations. They must be performed based on time. If their system time is different, problems could occur, such as automatic updates, executes patches, and referring log files.

What is a log?: IT Learning | IT Terms | Log | Japan Teams
Payment system:

Online payment services must know the time accurately and require consistent time on all devices. If these requirements are not met, inaccurate payments will occur.

3. NTP stratum

NTP uses a hierarchical, semi-layered system of time sources.

Each level of this hierarchy is termed a stratum and is assigned a number starting with zero. A server synchronized to a stratum n server runs at stratum n+1.

NTP Stratum

The number represents the distance from the reference clock. And it is used to prevent cyclical dependencies in the hierarchy.

Stratum 0

There are high-precision timekeeping devices, such as atomic clocks, GPS, or radio clocks. Stratum 0 devices are also known as reference clocks. NTP servers cannot advertise themselves as stratum 0.

Stratum 1

NTP servers of Stratum 1 are synchronized within a few microseconds of their attached stratum 0 devices(Computers in Stratum 1 are attached directly to clocks in Stratum 0). These servers are referred to as primary time servers.

Stratum 2

These are computers that are synchronized over a network to stratum 1 servers.

A stratum 2 computer queries several stratum 1 servers. Stratum 2 computers may also peer with other computers in stratum 2 to provide a more stable time for all devices in the peer group.

Stratum 3

These are computers that are synchronized to stratum 2 servers, and they can act as servers for stratum 4 computers.

The upper limit for stratum is 15

Stratum 16 is used to indicate that a device is unsynchronized.

Information resource: Network Time Protocol – Wikipedia



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