Easy! IT | Network | ISP for Internet service

This article is a rough explanation of ISP.

Everything might be not exactly correct in this article but it’s very useful for beginners to understand IT terms. If you want to learn IT but you don’t have any experience to work in the IT industry, I wish it helps you to understand IT and you like to study IT more.

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What is ISP?

  • ISP provides Internet access to organizations or you.
  • ISP helps you to live in Internet world.
  • ISP is an abbreviation for Internet Service Provider.

Here is the quote from Wikipedia. But this article is for beginners, so I explain ISP more easily and roughly.

An Internet service provider (ISP) is an organization that provides many different services for accessing, using, or participating in the Internet. Internet service providers can be organized in various forms, such as commercial, community-owned, non-profit, or otherwise privately owned. Internet services typically provided by ISPs can include Internet access, Internet transit, domain name registration, web hosting, Usenet service, and colocation. An ISP typically serves as the access point or the gateway that provides a user access to everything available on the Internet.

Internet service provider – Wikipedia

1. An infrastructure companies in the internet world

ISP is an infrastructure company, such as a water service company, an electric company, a post office in the internet world. They let you access the internet from home.

When you transmit data from your devices to your friend’s devices, those computers should be connected together.

His messages never reach her laptops if their devices are not connected to the same network.

You can check messages, websites, YouTube from over the world, so those services are connected together? Yes, they are! But they are not directly. Have you ever connected them? No, then who? ISP do it. How does an ISP organize internet networks?

2. Easy explanation about ISP

When you send a letter to your friend, you put your letter into the post office box. And the post office collects those letters in the box. The post office is not the only one. It could be the only one in your town but there are a lot of post offices around the world. If the post office finds letters which should be sent to the other town, the post office will exchange those letters with other post offices.

The letter deliver systems

You can think that ISP uses the same systems as the post office system. If you contract with ISP A, your computer transmits your data to ISP-A. And if ISP-A can send that data to the destination directly, ISP-A does.

ISP-A which the man contracted with receives his data.
They deliver his data to the destination directly if it’s possible.

But she could contract with ISP-B, and then ISP-A can’t transmit data to her. IX (Internet Exchange) can resolve this problem. IX connects all together including ISPs, data centres, network companies and so on.

Easy! IT | IT Term | Internet Exchange (IX) | Japan Teams

IX connects internet traffics.

3. Each ISP provides different services

The main service provided by ISP is letting your devices access the Internet network. But actually, ISP provides many services and each ISP provides different services. The main services are as follows, you better check and compare each service with your demand.

  • Providing mail accounts
  • Virus check services
  • Providing hosting servers
  • Providing portal sites
  • Providing movie contents
  • Providing ASP
  • And so on

But most of the ISPs provides the same services, so you better check the following points.

  • Monthly costs
  • Network speeds
  • Contract terms

The explanation in this article is very rough for IT beginners. So if you need more details, please check other websites, such as the following pages.

Internet exchange point – Wikipedia, Internet service provider – Wikipedia, What Is an ISP? | 2021 Guide | U.S. News (usnews.com)

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