Easy! IT | IT Term | Powershell

This article is a rough explanation of Powershell.

Everything might be not exactly correct in this article but it’s beneficial for beginners to understand IT terms. If you want to learn IT but don’t have any experience working in the IT industry, I hope it helps you understand IT. And I hope that this article motivates you to study IT more.

Let’s start our 3 minutes lesson!

What is Powershell?

PowerShell is a kind of upgrade version to the Command prompt.

  • PowerShell is a task automation and configuration management program provided by Microsoft.
  • PowerShell >>>>> Command prompt
  • You can talk with OS via PowerShell commands.

1. What is the Command prompt?

Command prompt is familiar with business persons who use windows OS. Even if you don’t know that name, you have seen the following black window.

If you type a request with commands in this prompt, your laptop works on your request.

IT engineer often make the “Batch file”, which is the order of your requests to your laptop or servers. And this Batch file is called by the command prompt, so those requests are written in commands of the command prompt.

2. Command prompt → PowerShell

The command prompt has a long history, so its commands are very simple and what you can request with this is limited.

Then, Micorosft created the better version, that’s PowerShell.

PowerShell commands are different from command prompt commands. But some of them are similar(PowerShell – Wikipedia – Comparison of cmdlets with similar commands). And how to use is the same. The command prompt is still used by many people, but actually, PowerShell can do almost the same things and do more than the command prompt does.

You can also use PowerShell for Azure(Cloud services provided by Microsoft). So, people will not be surprised even if the command prompt is migrated to PowerShell.

You can make a kind of batch files made with the command prompt.


Information source: PowerShell – Wikipedia

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