Easy! IT | IT Term | LAMP

This article is a rough explanation of LAMP.

Everything might be not exactly correct in this article but it’s beneficial for beginners to understand IT terms. If you want to learn IT but don’t have any experience working in the IT industry, I hope it helps you understand IT. And I hope that this article motivates you to study IT more.

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What is LAMP?

LAMP is an acronym denoting one of the most common software stacks for many of the web’s most popular applications.

  • Each letter in the acronym stands for one of its four open-source building blocks
  • LAMP is the platform for Web system
  • P is usually PHP, but it’s recently meant Perl or Python
  • M is generally MySQL, but it’s also meant MariaDB

1. LAMP is an acronym

LAMP is:

L … Linux

A … Apache

M … MySQL(MariaDB)

P … PHP(Perl, Python)

Linux is an operating system, Apache is an HTTP server, MySQL is a relational database management system, and PHP is a programing language. So, LAMP is the component of the web system, and it’s in the software repositories of most Linux distributions.

Pre-knowledge that you should know to understand this article well:

  • OS
  • Linux
  • Server
  • Web server
  • Database
  • MySQL
  • MariaDB
  • PHP
  • Perl
  • Python

Don’t worry even if you don’t know those words. You can enjoy this article without knowledge of those words.

2. What is Linux?

Linux is the nationality.

In the human world, OS would be a nationality or personality. Each OS has each language and each function. And Linux is one of the OS software. So, if someone tells you this server is Linux, you can imagine what kind of language you need to talk with it and what it can do.

If there is any OS software, a laptop can’t do anything. It’s the same with smartphones or other server devices.

3. What is a web server?

Web servers give you the web page.

Servers are the computers which provide services or necessary functions for services. It’s usually named XXX-server, and XXX is usually relevant to something that servers provide.

If I explain the web server very roughly, it’s the server which provides a homepage.

Easy! IT | WEB | World Wide Web | Japan Teams

When you check the homepage, your web browser requests the page to the web server first.

Then, the web server gives the response to your request to your web browser.

Your web browser receives that response as a web page and displays that page.

This is the background flow when you check websites.

This web server is actually nothing special even if this server is installed with Linux as OS.

Then how does this server work as a web server?

4. What is Apache?

For working as a web server, you need to install software into the server. And then, finally, this server works as a web server.

There are many software applications to make it enable as a web server, and Apache is one of the most famous software.

5. What is a Web system?

A web system is a system to use the Internet. This is provided by a web server.

6. What are MySQL and MariaDB?

MySQL is a database.

A database is a kind of box for storing data. There are many types of databases. MySQL is usually used as a web system. MySQL is well-known as DBMS(Database management system) or RDBMS(Relational database management system). But if you don’t need the detail, just remember MySQL is a database.

MariaDB is a kind of family with MySQL. MariaDB was developed based on MySQL, so it’s MySQL-ish. MariaDB is also used for the web system.

7. What is PHP?

PHP is a programming language.

PHP is a programming language. We use this language for writing programming code(It’s kind of a command to the computer). Perl and Python as well. They have different rules on how to command the computer. Yes, it’s like a difference between English and German.

8. Summary: What is LAMP?

Lamp is the system based on Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP

It’s the platform for PHP in short.


Related articles: Easy! IT Index | Japan Teams, Easy! IT | WEB | World Wide Web | Japan Teams
Information source: LAMP (software bundle) – Wikipedia


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